Take The Challenge (TTC)
Is In The Arm-Upholding Business

     As explained in Acts 20, the Holy Spirit raises up shepherds (pastors) to care for the church of God. They serve on the front lines, doing battle to build Jesus’ church. As in the story of Moses holding up “the rod of God,” when pastors stand up strong and hold up the Truth, the church is triumphant. But when God’s shepherds become weary, their arms grow weak and the enemy begins to win.

     God has called TTC to come alongside these front-line shepherds and hold up their hands by training and encouraging them. This training is based on the admonition in Acts 20:28 (ESV): “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers…” Pastors are first challenged to guard their hearts and give attention to their marriage and family (themselves). Next, they are challenged to build Jesus’ church according to Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19-20; to focus on raising up disciple-makers who will in turn teach others (all the flock). To experience firsthand how pastors are being impacted through TTC, please watch this encouraging testimony from one of the ministers who attended one of Scott’s pastors seminars.

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