The call to make disciples has always been at the center of everything Take the Challenge (TTC) does. In 2017, Scott began teaching regularly about the difference between being a believer and being a disciple. The key difference is that disciples make disciples, while believers do not. Since that time, God has given TTC the mandate to not only make disciples but to raise up those who will, in turn, make disciples.
TTC raises disciple-makers through our pastors’ training seminars, both overseas and in the U.S. To see how these seminars are impacting pastors and church leaders, watch this testimonial (below) from one of the seminar attendees.
For those pastors who have been through such a seminar and want to go deeper, Scott has begun holding weekly online Disciple-Maker groups (pictured in the gallery below). In these groups, the pastors and leaders from overseas are walked through the process of raising disciple-makers, using the Pressing Toward the Mark (PTM) discipleship material as well as other disciple-making tools and methods. After the pastors and leaders complete the first two volumes of PTM, they are required to begin their own Disciple-Maker groups in order to move forward with their own training. This pattern enforces the biblical model found in 2 Timothy 2:2 of investing in those who will, in turn, teach others.