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Dear Faithful TTC Partner,
Reaching Africa Take The Challenge has entered into a strategic partnership with the Harvest-time Apostolic And Prophetic NETwork (HAAPNET) to raise up disciple-makers across 20 nations in Africa! They are shown in green, orange, and blue on this map.
TTC is partnering with HAAPNET to raise disciple-makers in all these nations!
Although the pandemic has recently kept Scott from traveling to these nations, TTC’s work is moving forward. Throughout this spring and summer Scott has been meeting weekly with a group of HAAPNET national leaders from southern and eastern Africa and training them in the process of raising disciple-makers. We are excited to announce that this month these leaders are branching out to open new Disciple-Makers groups in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Tanzania, and Kenya.
Just last week we heard of another exciting development. After being introduced to Scott’s “Disciple or Believer” message by one of our leaders, the general superintendent of a large denomination in Botswana has asked for assistance in introducing the DM process to churches in his nation as well. God is truly expanding our influence across the continent of Africa.
Scott training pastors in Kenya last year. He’s headed back there this year!
On the Road Again Great news! Scott has been cleared to travel to Kenya August 4-24 to train and encourage pastors there in the process of raising disciple-makers. Due to the impact of the pandemic, his ministry will be limited to the Nairobi area during this trip, but thankfully we are beginning to see lasting fruit from Scott’s weekly investment into a group of pastors in the Nairobi region. He began meeting with these pastors online in April 2020 when the pandemic started, and they began training other local pastors after Scott’s November 2020 trip. Now they and those they are training are eager to invite their fellow pastors to share in this life-changing vision, and they’re anxious to be trained further on how to multiply disciples among their church members. Pastor Hellen recently said, “I’ve been doing ministry and crusades for many years now, but it’s only now that I feel I have found my calling [through raising disciple-makers].”
India Back Online
We’ve recently received good news from India too. After months of focusing on food distribution, Pastor Rajan was able to restart all seven of his monthly disciple-makers training groups.
Pastor Rajan training pastors to raise disciple-makers
Although India remains closed to foreigners, it is exciting to see our TTC disciple-makers on the ground continuing their efforts to spread the vision for raising disciple-makers to hundreds of pastors and leaders across southern India.
Our Current Prayer Requests:
1. The coronavirus pandemic to end. 2. God to very clearly and specifically lead the Kenyan pastors who are planning Scott’s upcoming meetings in the Nairobi area. 3. Health and protection for Scott and for all the pastors he’ll be interacting with during this trip.
We rely first on God himself and also on you, our faithful partners. As you pray for TTC and as you support this ministry, lives are changed. And God is working through those lives to change others and build his kingdom.
We appreciate you!
Blessings, Scott and Patty Roberts and the TTC team