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South Asia – July 2019

Scott will make his fourth trip to South Asia, in continued partnership with three different South Asian ministries. First, he will teach at a three-day pastors conference in northeast Andhra Pradesh, hosted by Pastor Stifan (“Stephen”). Pastor Stifan’s Agape School of Evangelism has trained and sent out over 150 pastors into multiple provinces over the past 18 years. This will be the third of five of Pastor Stifan’s regional conferences at which Scott will be teaching. Listen here to a testimony from the last regional pastors’ conference.

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Scott will then hold six pastors seminars in five different cities in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. These pastors are all part of the Joshua Mission network which is led by Pastor Dass. One of the seminars will be a three-day, in depth Raising Disciple-Makers seminar, which will include the Barnabas Method, discussed in this video testimony.

Finally, Scott will hold four, two-day seminars in the Tamil Nadu area with Pastor Rajan. Rajan is one of the pastors Scott has been mentoring through an online, weekly disciple-makers group. He is a passionate disciple-maker who has traveled as many as 28 hours by train to pass on what he is learning, by hosting his own disciple-makers training in regions where westerners would not be welcome.
